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Nullum House
Located right next to the Community Centre HUB, Nullum House is a social inclusion and drop in centre. This service provides a safe nurturing space for members of the community who may be facing social isolation, homelessness, mental health issues or social and economic disadvantage. Nullum House services include, Free Community meals, shower and washing facilities, Material aid, social programs and support groups.
Nullum House
Social Inclusion Drop in Centre
Monday, Tuesday & Thursdays
9am to 1.00pm
Nullum House, located next to the Murwillumbah Community Centre HUB is a drop in centre for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, OR for anyone in the community who would like to drop in, meet new people, enjoy a meal, learn a new skill or just to drop in for a cup of tea of coffee everyone’s welcome …
Nullum House offers a friendly environment where people can have a shower, wash clothes, free breakfast & lunch and most importantly have a safe space to seek day time refuge, meet new friends plus have access to services to meet their individual needs.
MCC staff and volunteers provide a range of services and programs that support people accessing the service. Our Crisis Support Service offers case managed support for anyone who finds themselves homeless or at risk of being homeless.
Nullum House also provides social and educational programs and anyone is welcome to come and participate, meet new people and have fun.
Drop in…..have a cuppa…meet some new people..
Food and Meal programs
Tea & Coffee with toast – 9am to 12pm
Food and Friendship Kitchen – 6pm – 7pm Vegetarian meals
Tea & Coffee with toast – 9am to 12pm
Free lunch – 11.30am – 12pm – Heart2Heart Project
Free lunch – 10.30am to 12.00pm – Provided by MCC volunteers
Food and Friendship Kitchen – 6pm – 7pm Vegetarian meals
Outreach Services
Health and Homelessness Outreach Team (HHOT) every second Tuesday
HIV & related programs/Testing and education, every second Thursday
Housing support fortnightly (Mondays)
Referrals to other health related services (AOD, counselling, ER)
Art/Craft Classes
Mondays 10.00am to 12.00pm + 1pm to 3pm
All materials provided
Gold coin donation
All welcome!

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