Call us Today: 02 6672 3003
Food HUB

Murwillumbah Food HUB
The Murwillumbah Food HUB was developed by MCC in direct response to community need. The food HUB provides the whole community with access to free and low cost food through the community pantry, meal preparation and cooking classes, community meal events, local produce promotion, development of economic resilience, volunteering opportunities, skill development and retail and barista training programs

Brisbane Street, Murwillumbah (opposite Sunnyside mall on Knox Park)
Low Cost Supermarket – We buy the food at low cost and pass it on at low cost. We have supermarket staples as well as fresh fruit and vegetables.
Bring your own bags for free items such as bread and fresh produce (if available)
Food Pantry
The Murwillumbah Community pantry is a Murwillumbah Community Centre initiative offering free and low cost food and grocery items to all community members living in the 2484 area and surrounding villages
The pantry is now open on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 3.00pm
Brisbane Street, Knox Park, Murwillumbah
yearly membership required which is fee free at the moment
Please call 02 66723003 for information
Training and Volunteering
The pantry is a great place to volunteer and learn new skills for employment pathways. All volunteers are trained in retail, customer service, administration and computing.
Please phone Patsy Walsh on 02 6672 3003 or email for more information
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
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